Fall 2021 Issue |
By Mark Hickman
Commonwealth Strategy Group
PSV Southwest Chapter members at their August social at Twisted Track Brewery
The Southwest Chapter of PSV held a social on August 19 at Twisted Track Brewery. Local PSV members, psychiatry residents, and other guests attended, including a representative from Delegate Chris Head's office.
After welcoming everyone, PSV board members and chapter co-presidents Drs. Brian Wood and Janie Lozovski introduced Mark Hickman, PSV lobbyist, for a brief legislative update before being joined by Delegate Sam Rasoul, who represents the City of Roanoke and is Vice Chair of the House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee. Delegate Rasoul spoke about the importance of advocacy and physicians such as psychiatrists being involved in the legislative process proactively, especially as mental and behavioral health issues have become a top priority for Virginia policymakers.
Thank you to the Southwest Chapter for organizing this fun and informative event, to Delegate Rasoul and Delegate Head's office, and to all who were able to attend!
September 24-25, 2021
Norfolk The Main
Norfolk, VA
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