Spring 2021 Issue |
By Rebecca E. Barchas, MD, LFAPA
This past year, PSV member, Dr. Rebecca E. Barchas (retired), wrote an article that was published online by American Psychiatric Association Publishing for their journal Psychiatric Services and now appears in print in its March 2021 journal issue.
The article is entitled; “My Benefits from Electroconvulsive Therapy—What a Psychiatrist Learned by Being a Patient.” (Psychiatric Services, March, 2021, Vol. 72, No. 3, pp. 347-348). Though seemingly an article about ECT, it morphs into an article about stigma and how stigma, even subconsciously, can affect our treatment choices.
The direct online link to the article is: https://ps.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ps.72301
September 24-25, 2021
Norfolk The Main
Norfolk, VA
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